28. и 29.07. 2018. – Моцартова опера „Дон Ђовани“ у Комбанк дворани

Don Giovanni inspired the American association GIPAC and artistic partners from Kombank Arena to stage the legend this summer on the stage of a renewed cinematic, concert and theatre hall built on the foundations of Belgrade’s famous Dom Sindikata (Union Hall).

Members of the Artistic Ensemble „Stansilav Binicki“ were led by maestro Gregori Bukalter, conductor of New York’s Metropolitan opera.

On the stage was lead artist of the National Theatre, primadona Jasmina Trumbetaš Petrović, accompanied by Stevan Karanac, Miroslav Markovski, Marko Pantelić. Alongside them were world renowned artists Jontao Lee, Wanzhe Zhang, Zhang Zhang, Juksjuan Či, Minjon Hao Young director Aleksandar Nikolic directed the performance.

The Television recording was produced by YES-PRO, directed by Aleksandar Mandić

24.07.2018. – An Evening Dedicated to Mozart

„GIPAC“ окупља младе музичке таленте из читавог света и у сарадњи са Општином Обреновац, у организовали су гала концерт посвећен делима Волфганга Амадеуса Моцарта.

On the theatre stage of SKC (Student Cultural Centre), operatic performers, musicians and pianists performed – including one of China’s leading young pianists, Si-Sing-Ju. The symphony orchestra was conducted by Cuen Juen from the Metropolitan Opera.

The Television recording was produced by YES-PRO, directed by Aleksandar Mandić

23.03.2018. A Musical Silk Road. Spring Reunion concert by the Belgrade Philharmonic

The Spring Reunion concert was held at the main hall of the Belgrade Philharmonic with a programme of classical concert literature interpreted by conductor and composer Jin Foo and assembled Chinese and Serbian artists.

Performers included soprano Wanzhe Zhang and barritone Jontao Lee ,soprano Marija Jelic and baritone Milan Mladenov. In addition to the classic west European musical heritage (Mozart, Pucinni, Verdi, Dvorzak), Chinese authors’ compositions were performed for the first time, including “The Game of the People of Jao” by Liu Tieshan and Mao Juan, which are performed in global venues like Carnegie Hall. 

The IPOC orchestra (International Prodigy Orchestra & Choir) as part of GIPAC consisted of Belgrade musicians, drawing on a broader platform primarily oriented to young artists.

The Television recording was produced by YES-PRO, directed by Aleksandar Mandić

International musical organization GIPAK is based in Boston and Yes-Pro is their partner in Serbia for media productions.

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